Celebrating the Yorkshire stage of the Tour de France
Jane and I are having such a lovely time at Harlow Carr meeting up with old friends and getting to know lots of new ones as we work in the Bath House in the Gardens of RHS Harlow Carr. We have been waving goodbye to lots of our happy paintings and wishing them well in their new homes. It is so rewarding to watch the smiles on peoples faces as they engage with my paintings and talking through my sketchbooks I am able to explain the background to my work and my journey so far. One of the most popular pieces has been the painting commemorating the Yorkshire stage of the Tour de France, titled 'What's the hurry'. The original sold straight away as the exhibition opened but there are 2 sizes of print available should anyone want a reproduction. Just e mail me through the contacts page if you would like to know more. We are at the gardens until 4 pm on Tuesday 29th April if you would like to come and say hello.