Monday, May 20, 2013

Classic knits !

Last week I was helping Mum to sort out her cupboards and I came across these classic knitting patterns, what a hoot. It is the expressions on the model's faces that make me laugh. I think I will put them in some frames to give me a giggle if ever I start to take life too seriously. The sad thing is that I remember myself and my 2 brothers all wearing matching balaclavas when we were little. Ha Ha Ha. Oh dear I'm off again in fits of giggles....... x

Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Stars of the show

Just a quick hello to share this lovely corner of my garden with you. x

Monday, May 06, 2013

Capturing the moment

As promised here is a little glimpse inside my sketch books. So many people at Harlow Carr were delighted to see what I get up to on holiday. I go back to my drawing roots and watercolour box to make a visual record of the places I have visited. Often it is from these studies that I find inspiration for my quirky acrylic pieces.

And my tiny folding sketch book goes everywhere with me