Thursday, September 13, 2012

People say the nicest things

When people come into the gallery in Masham it is always lovely to have the chance to chat. it is great to welcome returning visitors and meet those new to our little shop. The comments people leave in our visitors book and the nice things people say about my work and the cute little building are so important and motivating. Amongst others one of the comments that stood out this week was from a lovely lady who, as she was leaving turned and said 'You make magic in here, you do'.

Angels in the sky

There have been such beautiful skies above Yorkshire this week and I have been indulging in one of my favourite pass times , cloud watching.  I just wanted to share this Angel with you.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Hilary's Hens

My friend Hilary has been at it again! Down the garden in her little studio she has been playing with her clay whilst watching her comical free range chickens. They have inspired her to create these dear little  characters. I have placed my order already and can't wait to welcome them into my studio.

Take a look at Hilary's website