Tuesday, September 27, 2011

New place mats

As many of my lovely customers have been asking for place mats I have at last found someone to produce some. These great sets of 4 different designs in each of 4 themes are 23 cm square and available from the gallery in Masham. Hope you like them!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Meet my new friends

Bless them all, the long and the short and the tall, the fat and the slim and the small, the comical, the haughty and the naughty. They were all there at the Masham Sheep Fair. I look forward to this weekend every year to bring me inspiration for my paintings and keep me busy with ideas through the winter. Look out for my latest work and see if you can spot any of the characters from the sheep fair appearing on my website in the near future.

A smile around every corner

A chance to catch up

How Rude!

A quick wash and brush up

Friendly Rivalry

Making plans for Nigel

Best Friends

Hair styles of the day

The Sheep Fair

This weekend is the annual Sheep Fair in the market place here in Masham. Inspiration abounds as you will see from some of my photos. My sketch book is full too.

Saturday, September 03, 2011

Norwegian Summer

I have spent two fantastic weeks exploring 62 fjords, filling my sketch books and enjoying the sunshine. I don't usually like to bore people with my holiday snaps but thought you might like to see some of the inspirational sights I shared with the other passengers on board Minerva.

We were treated to waterfalls, glaciers, rainbows, colourful cottages and the most amazing sunsets made even more magical by the whales that played in the reflected lights on the waters surface.