Thursday, September 02, 2010

Introducing Mrs Nichols


Autumn is on its way, the colours are changing, conkers are ripening and the orchards are rich with fruit. It is time to get the preserving pan out and make our jams and pickles to see us through the winter. I love this time of year when berries appear like jewels along the hedgerows, cobwebs sparkle in the morning dew and the air is full of the smell of autumn. Today I counted the different fruit as I walked the dog, wild cherries, elder, blueberries, sloes, rowan and hawthorn all in one field. So let me introduce you to a lady who lives down the lane who also loves this time of year and who features in my latest painting, her name is Mrs Nichols.

Mr Nichols' jams and pickles

'Mrs Nichols' Jams and pickles'

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Amazing Skies over Yorkshire

  I wonder who else saw those amazing skies yesterday evening. At about 6 o'clock I looked up as I often do to watch the clouds and was amazed to see what appeared to be a second sun in the sky surrounded by bright colours and then appeared an inverted rainbow which lasted for at least half an hour. The wispy clouds were very high in the sky and very beautiful like lots of dancing ladies. The rainbow colours surrounding a ball of bright white light were truly astonishing and I stood transfixed as I watched what is the nearest thing to the Northern Lights that I have ever seen.


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Did you see it?