Wednesday, December 17, 2008
The determined musician
What were you doing at 6 30 am on 4th December? Martyn and I were on our way to Leeds Airport for him to catch a plane to Belfast for a concert when we got stuck in a snow drift in the pitch dark. Being the professional that he is, a bit of snow was not going to stand in his way especially as he had his mum to help carry the instruments! Leaving the car behind we trudged another mile and a half before being picked up by a sympathetic driver in a sturdy vehicle. We finally arrived at the airport to find that all flights had been cancelled and so there we were stuck all day until the snow was cleared and we could get back to out car. So he never got to Belfast but at least we were able to keep warm and got back home safe and sound that evening.
Posted by
Nikky Corker
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
This Years Christmas Cards
I thought you would like to see my designs for this years Charity Christmas cards. I am once again supporting The Lewy Body Society and this is a great way to spread awareness of this type of dementia. You can buy packs of 12 cards - 6 of each design for just £4.50 if you visit
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Nikky Corker
Thursday, October 30, 2008
An Auction for The Darlington Parkinsons Disease Group
Earlier this month I was asked by the Darlington Parkinsons Disease support group to do a painting demonstration. I gladly agreed as the group has supported me and my family during my fathers illness. They are a lovely happy group of people including sufferers, carers, Parkinsons nurses and professionals. Apart from education and information the group meet socially enjoying a varied program of talks and demonstrations and also provide regular physiotherapy sessions for their members. Trips out and evenings down the pub all very important and good fun. Many of these things need funding so I have decided to donate the finished painting to their fund raising efforts. I shall be auctioning it on my web site and all proceeds will go to the group. If you would like to make a bid please contact me via e-mail on my contacts page leaving your contact details and the amount you would like to bid. The auction will run until December 6th and the winning bidder will be contacted after that date.
'Never mind the rain' original acrylic on stretched canvas 60 x 60 cm
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Nikky Corker
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Friendship, Fun and Fairy Cakes
I have just got back from a lovely week in Cheltenham where I have been exhibiting with a dear friend Carole Bury. Our two person show was a chance to reunite in the town where we both studied Art. Our work is very different but complimentary in that we both draw from childhood experiences and present day emotions. Carole's thought provoking drawings hung alongside my celebration of all that makes us smile and the response from visitors was uplifting and motivating.
It was such a happy week and an opportunity to catch up with lots of old friends from our college days and eat fairy cakes all day long!
If you are not familiar with Carole's work take a look at her web site
Fossil Fish Ring monoprinted and embroidered tissue textiles by Carole Bury
Posted by
Nikky Corker
Saturday, October 11, 2008
On my way to Cheltenham
This week has been so busy getting last minute things sorted for the Cheltenham exhibition. I am so excited about returning to the place where my Art College days were full of adventure, exploration, fun and hard work. We all shared the same passion for our subject and never once resented the long days spent together in the studios. I have so many happy memories of the various flats I shared, jumble sale wardrobes, my old bike and nights spent in The Cotswold Pub. Next week I will get the opportunity to meet up with lots of friends from that era that I haven't seen for years and meet many more new ones, I can't wait.
Yesterday I picked up a collection of eight pieces from the framers, I never fail to get a thrill when I see my work completed and ready to hang. It is rather like seeing your children dressed up in their first school uniform ready to set off to school on that first day. A mixture of pride and a little bit of separation anxiety knowing that they will be off to their new homes before long. I get very attached to my paintings as you can tell, all my thoughts, energies and emotions are combined in every one of my pieces so I suppose it is understandable.
So after lots of running around, packing and re packing, I felt the need to chill a bit and often the best way is to settle in the studio with some moody music and let the colours sooth me. I often find on these occasions that I am not aware of what I am painting until I look at the finished thing. Funny, it is always water that I return to, that must be my Pisces character talking.
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Nikky Corker
Friday, September 19, 2008
In The Pink
As Autumn approaches the flowers my garden are making on last effort to show off their colours and turn their heads to the sun whenever they have the chance. The bright pink Cosmos are stealing the show this week and have inspired this painting.
Posted by
Nikky Corker
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Pottering Round The Lakes
Last weekend as a birthday treat for Alan I hired a little car and we went for a potter from Penrith to The Langdales, Ambleside, Hawkshead and Grizedale Forest. It was such fun even though it rained for a good part of the weekend. A brilliant combination of fantastic scenery, fresh air, walking, great accommodation and most of all a happy, smiley Frog Eyed Sprite which turned heads wherever we went, she was such a character. In fact she was a bit of a show off as she had a tendency to peep her own horn whenever she felt like it which made us laugh as it seemed she had a real sense of humour. We loved her! I can see her featuring in some of my paintings in the future.
We hired her from and can highly recommend them.
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Nikky Corker
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Harlow Carr mixed exhibition
Well, I have been as busy as ever this summer and I can't believe that the children are already back at school all in their bright shiny new shoes and their smart new uniforms just a tiny bit too big but just the right size to grow into. We have a primary school just at the end of the road, so mornings and afternoons are busy with chatting mums and enthusiastic children so at drop off and pick up time our street is full of young life and bubbling personalities. During the day the atmosphere changes and the pace slows down enough for me to enjoy the to and fro of our more mature neighbours passing the time of day and discussing the weather, it is lovely to have friends that fall into such varied age groups.
I have been producing fewer paintings over the summer holidays as I have enjoyed all manner of distractions. However, I was still able to run the Harlow Carr Summer Exhibition with the help of other artist friends. Such a great opportunity to network with other artists and to meet and talk to so many people who visited the show. With a mixture of technique and subject matter the show had something for all tastes, very inspiring.
Here are a couple of photos which show how we squeezed as many pieces as possible into the study centre.
Posted by
Nikky Corker
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
More lovely views
Another wonderful walk to finish our holiday. Back to work in a few days time, refreshed and with lots of ideas bobbing about in my head.

Posted by
Nikky Corker
Monday, July 07, 2008
This weeks favourite Street name
Martha and I agreed that this was our favourite street name this week, we stumbled across it in Cerne Abbas.
Posted by
Nikky Corker
Sunday, July 06, 2008
A Week In Dorset
We have just got back from a glorious week exploring the cliff paths of Dorset. Martha has had a lovely time, long walks, fresh air and a share of my ice cream cone each day. Fantastic weather! I think we had the best of it - no jumpers all week!
I have to mention the best cream tea of the week goes to The National Trust Tea Rooms at Corfe Castle mmmmm!
Posted by
Nikky Corker
Sunday, June 22, 2008
And here is my youngest collector who liked the piece I was working on in the gallery 'The Farmers Pyjamas'
Posted by
Nikky Corker
Friday, June 20, 2008
Posted by
Nikky Corker
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
My Jolly Day at The Art Room
Posted by
Nikky Corker
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
My visit to Ireland
I have been working long days and nights to get a collection of work ready to send the The Art Room Gallery in Dungannon. Northern Ireland. The final parcel was sent yesterday and I have been taking a bit of time out today. Doing one of my favourite local walks with Martha and enjoying the last of the sunshine for the time being. Rain is on its way and the clouds are gathering. Oh well, the garden needs it.
I am really looking forward to my visit to Ireland on Saturday it promises to be a jolly day with colourful decorations and banners advertising the fact that I shall be demonstrating in the gallery. It will be lovely to finally meet some of my collectors and people who share my enjoyment of the quirkier side of life.
Posted by
Nikky Corker
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Posted by
Nikky Corker
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Posted by
Nikky Corker
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Another day in the garden
Here is Jane talking to some of the visitors.
Posted by
Nikky Corker
Sunday, June 01, 2008
Working in the gardens
Can it really be that long since I added a new blog? I have been busy as usual working in the studio and also in the gardens at RHS Harlow Carr. The weather was very mixed, just as it was last year, one day sun next day rain and the temperatures went up and down like a yoyo. The begining of the week we saw dust storms as the wind blew eddies of dust from the car park. Taking refuge in the summer house we watched as the winds whipped through the garden. It was so nice to work alongside my friend Jane Redfern with whom I shared a studio on a farm until having my latest timber one built. Jane and I have exhibited together for the past 10 years and her watercolours compliment my acrylic work. I shall show you some of her work soon on my blog. Here is one of my acrylic florals painted in the garden.
Posted by
Nikky Corker
Friday, May 16, 2008
My Online Shop!
Hello again, it has been a while since I last left a message. Things have been very hectic, lots of painting and organising printing ready for the launch of my online shop which is now up and running thanks to the hard work of Andy my web designer. He must have nearly been driven to distraction by me changing my mind about this and that but he has been very patient. Please take a look and let me know if you spot any teething problems or hiccups. I'm off down the studio now to do some drawing, I have an idea for a new theme. I will let you in on the idea soon!! Take Care.
Posted by
Nikky Corker
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Here is Martha lending a paw and generally being helpful and supportive as usual. She seems to like the first of my 'Little Corkers' and kindly agreed to pose so that you can see the scale of the piece. Martha is the only dog I know who eats dandelions and has been plucking them merrily all along the walk today. The problem is that she is attracted to the yellow sunflowers on this little painting thinking they were dandelions too!
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Nikky Corker
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Sunshine and Smiles
I am very excited as I have just picked up my newly printed cards that are going to be available on my online shop. They are so jolly and bright, I am grinning as I tell you this :0). Now Ali and I have the task of sorting and packaging them , six different designs in a nice little wallet that closes with a weeny velcro fastener. Andy (my web designer) is busy pushing buttons and things so that you will be able to buy prints, cards and other goodies straight from the web site very shortly.
Posted by
Nikky Corker
Saturday, March 15, 2008
The Outcome
As promised here is a photo of the outcome of the collograph demonstration. As well as prints taken the plate can become an art work in its own right.
Posted by
Nikky Corker
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Messy Play
This week I have been enjoying more messy play while preparing to teach a colograph workshop. Any excuse to get my hands dirty- I love it! Basically we have been making collages from which we will be taking prints. This texture paste is ideal for a base ground. I shall let you see the outcomes when they are complete.
Posted by
Nikky Corker
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentines Day!
Happy Valentine's day to all! It is a case of love me, love my dog in this house so I thought it appropriate today to upload this photo - 'Martha and the love socks'.
I have had a great week at The Spring Fair catching up with lots of old friends and meeting lots of new ones too. It is so motivating to spend time with like minded people, having a good laugh and networking.
So now I am back home again exhausted but happy, I have decised to take a couple of days off. Long dog walks in the sunshine - just what the doctor ordered!
I hope you are all enjoying the same fantastic weather - take it easy.
Posted by
Nikky Corker
Sunday, January 20, 2008
The Cherry Pickers
Hi again, I have just finished another piece and thought I would give you a peep before it goes to the framers, I am having such fun making the new village fete collection as I introduce new characters along side my sheep and of course I am still enjoying working on my harbours too. Spring Fair is just around the corner now and I am looking forward to revealing the latest of my work at the NEC.
Posted by
Nikky Corker
A little bit of sunshine
Look what I found in the garden today! A little ray of hope in this awful weather that we are having. I have to say I am getting a little bored with the mud and the rain. Still this little daffodil has give me something to smile about.
Posted by
Nikky Corker
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Waiting to be varnished
Hello again, one of my New Year's Resolutions is to be more organised and post my blogs more regularly! I have just taken a break to wash my brushes and do some admin and thought you might like a peep at some of my new work which I shall be varnishing this afternoon.
I am full of excitement about some new ideas I am discussing with my printer at the moment and will let you know what they are as soon as I have more details. I am also looking forward to seeing the latest collection of greetings cards published by Glebe Cottage Studio which will be displayed on their stand at The Spring Fair next month. All being well you will be able to buy them direct from the web site before long.
Posted by
Nikky Corker
Friday, January 04, 2008
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year everyone, I hope you are all feeling as motivated as I am. I love this time of year. It always feels like the lights have turned to green and once the Christmas decorations have been stowed away I can set to work on all the ideas I have been scribbling down on bits of paper over the past couple of weeks. With The Spring Fair coming up fast I am working on a new collection of paintings which I am looking forward to showing you on the site very soon.
It is blowing a gail in Yorkshire today but the sun is shining and I am off now for a brisk walk with Martha.
Take Care
Posted by
Nikky Corker